2012年には、エバレット&デコがプロデュースした渋モダンな宿、慈慈の邸(じじのいえ)もオープン。感性豊かな建築家、左官、大工、庭師等、日本の匠の技を生かして、伝統的な古民家に新しい命を吹き込みました。藁、粘土、竹など土地の自然素材を使った心が和む空間でテロワール(土地の味わい)の考え方と、「発酵」をコンセプトに地元のオーガニックな食材を中心として心を込めたお料理をご用意しています。 これからも、農や食、人との繋がりを大切して、多くのひとが出会う場所にしていきたいと思っています。
Stylishly Rustic Farmhouse Retreat
Regularly used for cooking, natural living and countryside lifestyle workshops ... Read more in collaboration with chefs and food producers, the home hearkens back to a more rustic style, agriculture-centric living once standard for the 'satoyama' villages of Japan, while at the same time, carefully updated with a degree of modern amenities - particularly culinary-related, as well as the bathing facilities - to provide for a one-of-a-kind countryside experience that encapsulates the essence of Japanese living.
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Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
2 hectares
Languages spoken
- English
- Japanese
- spanish
People on site
4 - 12
Dry season
April to October
Wet season
December to March
Living Conditions.
- tent camping
- entire house
- shared rooms
- private room
Vegan Food
- communal kitchen access
- communally cooked meals
- over 80% locally sourced
- restaurant on site
- fast: streaming video
Brown's Field is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Carpentry
- Permaculture
Contact Brown's Field
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