
Request dates

Brown's Field Manager of Sagrada Kominka
The representative has 7 days to approve your reservation or it will automatically be cancelled.
Required fields are indicated with *
2 guests included in price, additional guest $40/night, 10 guests max.
About the Property: - Full kitchen with culinary utensils, cooking tools, and serving ware for up to 10 persons. - 2 baths, including a large, modern, indoor bath with 3 showers (traditional onsen/sento-style), as well as an outdoor wood-burning bath crafted from a sake brewing tank, which overlooks the garden. - Large, spacious, traditional 'tatami mat' living space, which can be sectioned off into 3 separate rooms in order to accommodate different sleeping, dining, relaxing, and multi-purpose needs and arrangements. - Located on an organic farm, guests are welcome to roam and enjoy the hammocks, patio decks, and open fields at their leisure. (We just kindly ask that guests stay out of the gardens, as we're busy growing things in there!) - Hidden behind the adjacent garden is a small, patio/camp site complete with built-in fire pit. Guests are welcome to pull out chairs/tables and huddle around the fire, as well! - An entirely organic macrobiotic cafe is also on-site, open 11:00-17:00 every Friday through Sunday, as well as national holidays. Vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free is the standard, meaning nearly any/all diet is catered to. Feel free to search for the "Rice Terrace Cafe" in Chiba, Japan, for more information. - This property is a constant work-in-progress. While it is a beautiful, traditional home that is more than suitable and comfortable for individual or group stays, please note that we are slowly-but-surely remodeling. As a result, depending upon the time of your visit, there may be small portions of the property under some form of construction/remodeling. Upon reserving, feel free to inquire about the state of the property and we'll be happy to share more detailed info. Info for Guests: - Please bring your own bath towel(s), if possible. - This is a farm first-and-foremost, and we are very much in the countryside. Depending upon when you visit, please plan for contending with the elements (heat and humidity in summer, cold weather and limited insulation in winter, etc.) and insects (mosquitos in summer, etc.). Be sure to plan accordingly. - Footwear that can get muddy/dirty is recommended. Likewise for clothing if you plan on getting your hands (and other parts) dirty on the farm. - Shoes permitted only in 'doma' entrance space. - Please turn off lights, water, etc. while not in use. - Earthfulness, mindfulness, and smiles appreciated!

Booking Summary


Stylishly Rustic Farmhouse Retreat, Brown's Field

Isumi, Chiba, Japan
n/a nightsn/a
n/a guests ($200/night):n/a
Food included:
This host is using the deposit payment method. In many countries, accepting credit card payment is either impossible or highly inconvenient, so most financial exchanges are done in cash.
10% Amount to pay now:
To pay on-site:n/a
Please make sure to bring this amount with you! After checkout you can contact the host if you need to discuss alternatives to cash payment.