Re-enliven your deep connection to LIFE. Reset your neurology from survival stress into thrive mode. Reclaim the full sacredness of your human technology. Join a vibrant international community of thousands of people prioritizing authenticity, embodied spirituality, intimacy, bliss, empowerment, and freedom.
The International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) returns to Guatemala for its 9th year. This life changing transformational intensive focuses on clearing the physical, emotional and energy bodies of shame, guilt and fear related to sexuality, authenticity and creative power. The cornerstone of this work is consent, healthy boundaries, and sovereignty.
Learn More - http://istalatinamerica.com/event/ista-guatemala-level-1-spiritual-sexual-shamanic-experience-2/
ISTA is committed to modelling power sharing, facilitating in trios supported by a core team of assistants. The 2019 Guatemala ISTA Level 1 will be led by Araminta Barbour (UK/Guatemala) & Co-facilitated by Ellie Wilde (UK/NZ) & Raffaello Manacorda (Italy).
7 - 8.00 AM - Morning Movement (optional)
8-9.00 AM - Breakfast
9 - 9.30 AM Pods
10.15 - 1.00PM Morning Circle
1 - 3.00PM Lunch
3 - 7.00 PM - Afternoon Session
7 - 8.30 PM - Dinner
8.30 - 10.30 PM - Evening Session
Living Conditions.
- shared rooms
- private room
Vegetarian Food
- restaurant on site
- slow: emails only
Ongoing classes
- breathwork1-2 times per week
- dancedaily
- meditationdaily
Getting here.
Villa Sumaya is located on the shores of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Participants are supported with travel advice and opportunities to join a private shuttle & boat from Antigua. Pre & post training event for the tribe are also planned.
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