
Join us in this great journey to the insides of the Mother to make a tribute for Nature and learning from the Native ways of working the land.


Some of the experiences you will be involved are:

Recovering fallen wood from the creek.

In this dimension we will be cutting wood perfectly at the creek to build useful structures, guided by a chainsaw mestizo master. Then all wood will be moved to base camp using Technologies and Knowledge from the Mountain.

Stablishing a Bambu Plantation.

In this second dimension we will be gathering all our knowledge from both worlds to stablish a hectarea or two of a "Guadual" a Bambu Plantation along the creek.

Stablishing a Crop Plantation.

In this third dimension we will be gathering all our knowledge from both worlds to stablish a hectarea or two of Mountain crops that will start being harvested in seven months.

During this 4 days exchange gathering, you will learn key practices of surviving in the mountains of the Andeas.


  • Intercambio Cultural
  • Supervivencia Extrema
  • Contacto con Medicinas del Territorio
  • Comida Organica
  • Naturaleza Virjen
  • Territorio Milenario



  • ハンモック

ベジタリアン(菜食) 食事内容

  • 8割以上が地元の食材
  • 共同キッチンが使える


  • なし:オフグリッド


Get to Palomino and walk up to Moonshine Hostal from where you can see the Nomads Arts Factory Campgrounds.


Gondwana Experience こんな人を募集しています。

  • Key Line Guru
  • Agroforestry Guru
  • wood harvesting guru
  • Permaculture design guru

