
The community is situated on the edge of Degersheim, a rural village in east Switzerland. It is made up of a lively group of approximately 40 adults and 30 children and teenagers. We have followed a holistic life concept since 2006. Key features include: ecological living, sustainable economy, social structures, spiritual practice in everyday life, art and culture, and integration into wider society. We honor the diversity of each individual, encouraging personal development and inner growing. We aspire to each individual finding and growing into their full potential.

We have a sociocratic organization structure and apply a customized decision making tool called “attunement”. This begins by sharing on a mental and emotional level, followed by a decision making group meditation. Here we access our intuitions and reach out to a higher wisdom, by opening ourselves to receiving information, visions, feelings and body sensations.

Key Stats.

Year founded


Languages spoken

  • dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish

People on site

30 - 70

Dry season

June to August

Wet season

December to February

Living Conditions.


  • entire house
  • private room
  • shared rooms

Vegetarian Food

  • communal kitchen access
  • communally cooked meals
  • over 80% locally sourced


  • medium: voice calls (no video)

Ongoing classes

  • permaculture

Contact Herzfeld Sennrüti Community

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