Giardino della Gioia
We are an ecovillage called Giardino della Gioia, that would like to become a community. There is already enough structure to host 10 people, we have 3 yurts, 1 straw house, 1 caravan, 1 tipi, a draft of treehouse, 4 compost toilets, a kitchen, a meditation circus and a bathroom with sauna, but right now we are just two! All are built with natural material and with the principles of permaculture. We live in an olive garden in a National Park in front of the Adriatic coast (800m walk), the energetic line of San Michele pass through this area, and you can feel it. We consider this place as a healing place, that invites us to work on the awakening of consciousness and to work on yourself.
This project has a lot of potentials but needs energy to evolve.
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
2 hectares
Languages spoken
- Italian
- English
People on site
10 - 30
Dry season
June to August
Wet season
December to February
Living Conditions.
- hammocks
- tent camping
- shared rooms
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- communally cooked meals
- over 80% locally sourced
- None: Off the grid
Contact Giardino della Gioia
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