Our team is formed by people from different parts of the world and cultures. Our passion is working to improve the current state of nature and the living conditions of the people through the principles of Permaculture. Our goal is to support Caimito so it becomes a community model of sustainable development, working together and in harmony with Mother Earth.
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
200 hectares
Languages spoken
- Español
- Inglés
People on site
40 - 8
Dry season
April to December
Wet season
January to March
Living Conditions.
- hammocks
- tent camping
- entire house
- shared rooms
- private room
Omnivore Food
- communal kitchen access
- over 80% locally sourced
- communally cooked meals
- slow: emails only
Ongoing classes
- permaculture3-5 times per week
- nutrition/cooking3-5 times per week
Permacultura Caimito is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Voluntarios
- Estudiantes
- permacultores
Contact Permacultura Caimito
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Review Permacultura Caimito