Nada Brahma is a small all-inclusive healing center located in the beautiful mountains of Costa Rica which offers individual and group retreats including Ayahuasca, cancer healing, detox cleansing, meditation, yoga retreats and healing therapies and workshops. Since we believe all healing begins from within, Nada Brahma’s retreats provide healing on a physical as well as an emotional and spiritual level. Our experienced health professionals and spiritual guides provide individualized attention to each person during their stay. Whether you arrive for a spiritual retreat or to address a physical ailment or illness, we will show you how to heal your physical and spiritual self through the use of nutritional and holistic healing therapies and traditional Amazonian medicine.
Key Stats.
Year founded
Languages spoken
- Spanish
- English
People on site
10 - 20
Dry season
June to August
Wet season
December to February
Living Conditions.
- entire house
- private room
- shared rooms
- hammocks
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- over 80% locally sourced
- medium: voice calls (no video)
Ongoing classes
- meditationdaily
- plant medicinedaily
- yogadaily
Contact Nada Brahma Healing Center
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