In 2011, as part of a larger vision to assist with a national vision of food and water security, The Klyoogle Project was established just outside Kyogle in Northern NSW, Australia. This land, having been clear felled some two decades ago for grazing, was a highly degraded site, with steep terrain, poor access, and a massive infestation of Lantana, Crofton, and other invasive weed species throughout the neglected grasslands left after the deforestation.
This land is of particular significance as it is the location of headwaters for two catchments, of being respectively 40 and 60 acres in size, with significant remnants of rainforest clinging to the creeks along the major catchment pathways throughout the property. It is also of particular significance to regional biodiversity values, being at the end of a remnant forest corridor linking pastoral land to National Parks and State Forests.
This site was chosen particularly for its challenges of steep terrain and degraded environment, to prove the effectiveness of its methods of site regeneration through community participation without the use of chemicals and fertilizers, and through the deployment of best practise, cutting edge technologies in partnership with the established principals of permaculture to create sustainable long term yields which can add value to existing agricultural endeavours by working in harmony with the land, not against it.
Since the initial founding of the Project, under the guidance of it's Project Directors, The Klyoogle Project has undertaken a large body of work with the assistance of 100's of volunteers to regenerate the site, cleaning up creek lines to remove many kilos of discarded waste such as rusty barbed wire and other debris left over from previous farming activities, removing plant, and rootstock of the invasive weeds which took over the disused pastures, replanting key areas with native forest, and sculpting the mountainous land to establish permaculture gardens which utilise the ever increasing nutrient flows generated by the re-establishing forest.
This Project is a 100% off-grid, community based Project which encourages the participation of travelers and tourists who wish to experience the joy of landcare in a supportive environment where they can develop their own skill sets to take with them in their adventures in the wider world.
The vision for the Klyoogle Project is to act as a flagship site as part of a national network of collaborating projects sharing systems, knowledge and resources for the benefit of the environment, landholders, and participating travellers alike, seeking to achieve the tangible outcomes of increased long term yields from Project Sites via the regeneration of water catchments and forests to improve and build soils and encourage rainfall, reestablishment of wildlife and biodiversity corridors to improve regional amenity and tourism values, and the stimulation of regional economies through diversification of farming activities away from labour and chemical intensive monoculture farming practises, to a paradigm of small to medium scale farming, crafting, and ecotourism leveraging off diverse multiple income and product streams to mitigate the inherent risks of climate change, drought, and other adverse socio-economic factors.
Please explore our website: Review our Project section to see some of what we are up to. Contact us if you would like to be involved as a participant or a landholder. Donate to our Project if you would like to assist our cause.
Visit our Shop if you would like to purchase some local art, produce, or other items. Book for a workshop if you would like to take advantage of our Knowledgebase and Resources.
We look forward to hearing from to here from you soon, via our online form:
We would love you to visit with us or others in our network.
Kind Regards
Keith Knights – Director The Klyoogle Project
Dome Camping
Geodomes are fitted with solar power for lighting and phone charging.
Communal meals are included, all styles catered for.
Local activities include bushwalking, landcare, fishing, kyaking, mountainbiking, orienteering, and other outdoor activities.
Alternativley, you can access our library, workshop or artistic makers spaces if you feel like contributing to the project whilst earning some loose change.
Of particular interest to some might be the ability for guests to participate in skill-share for personal profit by facilitating and hosting a workshop or event through the Klyoogle Project's Site Managment Platform, please ask us more via the contact form after you have explored our website:
Key Stats.

Year founded

Size of project site
45 hectares

Languages spoken
- English
- Some Others (Linguistics skills trade is encouraged)

People on site
10 - 100

Dry season
August to May

Wet season
June to July
Living Conditions.
- hammocks
- tent camping
- private room
- shared rooms
Omnivore Food
- communal kitchen access
- fast: streaming video
Ongoing classes
- nutrition/cooking3-5 times per week
- dancedaily
- meditationdaily
- permaculturedaily
- yogadaily
- breathworkdaily
- chi gong/tai chidaily
- plant medicine1-2 times per week
The Klyoogle Project is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Admin
- Gardeners
- landcare
- builders
- workshop facilitators
- event facilitators
- promotions team
- site manager - opperations
- site manager - regen
- site manager - events
Contact The Klyoogle Project
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