The Interdisciplinary Experimental Center EcoAldea Velatropa, located in the heart of Buenos Aires, has as its mission:
- Being at the service of life
- To be a sustainable university campus
- Permaculture in all its forms and cycles
- A learning center
All beings who want to live life are welcome!
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
18 hectares
Languages spoken
- Español
- Ingles
- Portugues
People on site
15 - 50
Dry season
November to March
Wet season
May to October
Living Conditions.
- tent camping
- hammocks
- shared rooms
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- communally cooked meals
- None: Off the grid
Ongoing classes
- nutrition/cookingdaily
- permaculturedaily
- yogadaily
- plant medicine1-2 times per week
Velatropa is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Permaculture
- design
- ciclomechanic
- farm
- greenhouse
- Eco " si " nuestra
Contact Velatropa
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