We are a couple from california and argentina. We moved to Argentina few years ago to start a new life.....We are building a small homesteading permaculture project, next to the river.
we are passionate about growing organic food, saving seeds, cooking good food and raw chocolate, making herbal medicine and making beeswax candles. We run two small artisan business of organic seeds and raw chocolate, besides making tinctures, lotions and balms from our medicine garden.
We participate on the weekends in farmer's market and also teach workshops on permaculture, natural medicine, food, natural building, seed saving, and everything related to sustainable lifestyle.
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
2 hectares
Languages spoken
- english
- spanish
People on site
3 - 10
Dry season
August to April
Wet season
May to July
Living Conditions.
- tent camping
- shared rooms
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- slow: emails only
SHAMBALLA is currently offering the following opportunities:
- gardener
- natural builder
- graphic designer
- social media developer
- carpenter
- welder
- cook
- animal care
- medicine maker
Register or login to contact this center.
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