
Request dates

8th Life Panama Representative
The representative has 7 days to approve your reservation or it will automatically be cancelled.
Required fields are indicated with *
6 guests max.

We're 2 hours from Panama City - half an hour to beaches and mountains. Lovely small town. This is the 'center' for our ecovillage project and operates as a guest house to the public, so we have an interesting mix of people here at any given time. This is a small guest house operated on a slim staff. We prepare the room for your arrival and wait for you, so please be courteous and let us know in advance if you can't make it for some reason. You'll save us work and worry. On other platforms we have a pay in advance policy because we got stung so many times. Hopefully that won't be the case here.

Booking Summary

Free / Work-Trade

Have a big impact - help out for 3 months (or more), 8th Life Panama

Antón, Panama
n/a nightsn/a
Food included: