Heathcote is an intentional community located 30 miles north of Baltimore, MD and 20 miles south of York, PA. It is nestled in a narrow wooded stream valley on a 44 acre community land trust plus a 68 acre plot of woods that's owned by some of our members. We are a community of friends and family who choose to live cooperatively and consciously create a better way of life. We strive to care for one another and for the natural systems that nurture us. Our diet is organic and vegetarian.
Key Stats.

Year founded

Size of project site
27 hectares

Languages spoken
- english

People on site
20 - 30

Dry season
June to August

Wet season
November to February
Living Conditions.
- entire house
- private room
- shared rooms
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- communally cooked meals
- over 80% locally sourced
- slow: emails only
Ongoing classes
- permaculturedaily
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