Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, also known as Green Dragon Temple (Soryu-ji), is a Buddhist practice center in the Japanese Soto Zen tradition offering training in Zen meditation and ordinary work. It is one of three centers that make up San Francisco Zen Center, which was founded by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.
Our effort at Green Gulch is to awaken in ourselves and the many people who come here the bodhisattva spirit, the spirit of kindness and realistic helpfulness. This is how we offer our understanding of Buddha's Way.
Green Gulch Farm is located in Marin County, just north of San Francisco, in a valley that opens out onto the Pacific Ocean. In addition to the temple program of zen and study, it includes an organic farm and garden, as well as a guest house and conference center.
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
46 hectares
Languages spoken
- English
People on site
5 - 40
Dry season
April to September
Wet season
October to March
Living Conditions.
- private room
- shared rooms
- entire house
Vegetarian Food
- restaurant on site
- medium: voice calls (no video)
Ongoing classes
- meditation1-2 times per week
Contact Green Gulch Zen Center
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