Key Stats.

Year founded

Size of project site
111 hectares

Languages spoken
- English

People on site
3 - 10

Dry season

Wet season
Living Conditions.
- tent camping
- shared rooms
- private room
- entire house
Omnivore Food
- communal kitchen access
- communally cooked meals
- over 80% locally sourced
- fast: streaming video
Ongoing classes
- permaculture1-2 times per week
All You Need Institute is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Homesteading/wildcrafting
- Natural Building
- Event Planning/Admin
- Prescribed Burning
- Conservation Practices
- Media Production
- PErmaculture Skills
- Mushroom Growing
- Carpentry/Framing Skills
- SOil Building & Composting
- PErmaculture Design process
- INvasive SPecices Removal
- Chicken care
Contact All You Need Institute
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