We live in a small community on 2.5 acres land, with a mission to be self sufficient in 5 years. Together, we will grow our own food with permaculture principals, harvest produce, raise chicken, take care of the land , and re-learn collective living. You will also learn how to cook local dishes and prepare simple herbal remedies. In your free time you can explore Chiang Mai old town.Follow us on Fb : https://www.facebook.com/ingasai.community
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
2.5 hectares
Languages spoken
- English
- Thai
- Italian
People on site
2 - 10
Dry season
November to January
Wet season
June to September
Living Conditions.
- shared rooms
- tent camping
Omnivore Food
- communally cooked meals
- over 80% locally sourced
- fast: streaming video
Ongoing classes
- permaculture1-2 times per week
Contact Ing Asai Community and Farm
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