
From the “Monte” top, we become consciousness of the vast natural space around us, the strength of the elements in the region and the overwhelming beauty of one of the most, or perhaps last, secret places in the world.

Our intention is to live in balance and harmony with mother earth. And be as self sufficient as we can.

We wish to pass our experience to our guests so that we can all benefit from the reconnection to Nature.

It´s a daily learning process and the changes we make in our lifestyle came gradually. We are always open to learn from others experiences. New ideas to live in a more sustainable way, are always welcome. So please share your knowledge with us too.

Key Stats.

Languages spoken

  • português
  • inglês

Dry season

June to September

Wet season

October to May

Living Conditions.


  • private room
  • shared rooms

Vegetarian Food

  • restaurant on site
  • communal kitchen access


  • medium: voice calls (no video)

Contact Monte Velho Retreat Center

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