TierraMítica is a Healing center, a Research center, an Art center and a community situated in the beautiful unspoiled Fasaquihui gorge, in the spectacular high jungle of Peru, pleasantly mosquito free due to the altitude and excessive heat and humidity, among primary forest and waterfalls 39 kms from Tarapoto, Peru. It is the permanent home of the transformative Mythic Voyage Ayahuasca Workshop and the Embrace the Medicine Ayahuasca Retreats.
If you are at a point in your life where you are no longer satisfied to live an ordinary life, however comfortable it may be - if you know that you would not want the rest of your life to be similar to what you have already lived - if you wish to dive all the way into your subconscious, confronting old wounds - if you have decided to deal with all the fears and anxieties that impede you from connecting with your mythical self – if you feel restricted from living your life to your full potential - if you are looking for a new vision and direction for your life, then the Mythic Voyage into the soul , the heart, the subconscious and the world we live in is your next adventure.
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
74 hectares
Languages spoken
- Spanish
- English
People on site
10 - 50
Dry season
March to May
Wet season
June to August
Living Conditions.
- entire house
- private room
- shared rooms
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- over 80% locally sourced
- slow: emails only
Ongoing classes
- meditationdaily
- plant medicinedaily
Contact TierraMitica Healing Center
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More centers in Peru.
Ojo de Luna
- sacred medicine
- medicinal plants
- yoga
- permaculture
- holistic health
- nature reserve
- retreat center
Eco-Héroes De La Tierra
Peruvian Amazon Jungle, Tarapoto
- Water Systems
- Renewable Energy
- cultural exchange
- permaculture
- community projects
- natural building
- Soil Science
- Meditation
- sacred medicine
- medicinal plants
- local language class
- holistic health
- food
- yoga
- education center
- social project
- eco lodge
- indigenous community
- nature reserve