
El vivero forestal es un proyecto de reforestación en el que nos dedicamos a la producción, transporte, plantación y monitoreo de diferentes especies de árboles forestales. Nuestro propósito es proteger el ecosistema, preservar su biodiversidad y su microclima. Así hemos logrado plantar más de 11 millones de árboles desde 1993 gracias a la colaboración con la Fundación "Forests For Monarchs" y a los voluntarios.


Free / Work-Trade

Volunteer opportunity !

Minimum stay: 7 nightsMaximum capacity: 10 people
Food Not Included
The forest nursery is a reforestation project in which we are dedicated to the production, transportation, planting and monitoring of different species of forest trees. Our purpose is to protect the ecosystem, preserve its biodiversity and microclimate. We have planted more than 11 million trees since 1993 thanks to the collaboration with the "Forests For Monarchs" Foundation and volunteers.

The activities consist of:

-Cultural tasks of care and maintenance of trees (irrigation, weeding ...).
-General maintenance of the nursery (cleaning, storage ...).
-Organic fertilization.
-Packaging trees for transport.
-Transportation of trees to plantation sites.
-Distribution of trees to beneficiaries.
-Organization and planting of trees in reforestation sites.
-Collection and preparation of seeds ...

Key Stats.

Year founded


Size of project site

6 hectares

Languages spoken

  • español
  • ingles
  • frances

People on site

1 - 10

Dry season

March to August

Wet season

September to February

Living Conditions.


  • private room
  • shared rooms

Vegan Food

  • communally cooked meals
  • over 80% locally sourced


  • fast: streaming video


Vivero Forestal Hacienda la Cruz is currently offering the following opportunities:

  • voluntariado
  • Huespedes
  • Retiros

Contact Vivero Forestal Hacienda la Cruz

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