Ananda es un centro de YOGA en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, que ofrece diversas clases de Vinyasa, Kundalini, Yoga prenatal y post natal, Yoga Terapéutico y Meditativo. Cuenta con un shala adecuado para la practica, múltiples props y con maestros certificados. Aparte de las clases regulares ofrecemos diferentes talleres, actividades y certificaciones de maestros y maestras.
TTC Vinyasa Yoga 200 hrs RYT
3 de MARZO >>> 6 de ABRIL 2019
This English/Spanish course consists of 200+ hours of theoretical and practical instruction, it is based on the Ashtanga Yoga (or Raja Yoga) proposed by Patanjali and fulfills the requirements to become a Certified Yoga Teacher, both by the Yoga Alliance and the International Yoga Federation.
Its main objective is to provide the elements to enable each participant to design and self-manage a safe, committed and comprehensive personalized, committed safe and comprehensive Yoga practice (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation).
This capacity is what defines a Yogi(ni) and it is the only solid base upon which to build a teaching repertoire.
Based on sustaining careful attention on the quality of the breath as the link between the emotional and the physical, the conscious and the unconscious based upon the correspondance between a specific emotional state and a particular muscular activation pattern (posture) and the underlying breathing rhythm. We aim to integrate the main aspects of the teachings of Turmalai Krishnamacharya as expressed by his students: the safe alignment principles developed by BKS Iyengar, the Trishtana found in Ashtanga Vinyasa as taught by Pattabhi Jois (see below) and the concept of a practice adapted to each individual currently taught through the Viniyoga by Desikachar.
The Trishtana:
- Conscious breathing (ujjay) – movement synergy (vinyasa)
- Bandha: pelvic floor / lower abdominal activation for safe integrated movement and lower and higher energy centers integration
- Drishti: mental stability through steady gaze
The presentation of the physical aspect thus relies on the Iyengar anatomical principle of neutral alignment for injury prevention and it emphasizes a dynamic, active perspective on postures as a constant wave of conscious actions and release, that is, internal movement with precise, specific intention.
A daily practice based on a multi-level sequence based on the contents of the Primary and Intermediate Ashtanga Vinyasa sequences (Yoga Chikitsa – Yoga Therapy y Nadi Shodhana – Cleansing of the subtle body) serves as a structural framework from which to gradually change and adapt as to cater for each individual, situation and progress. The departure point for implementing such adaptation is the different conditions in which Vinyasa is taught today as compared to its original setting (adolescent Indian boys who always sat cross-legged on the floor, in a tropical climate) and our own specific constitution (to phrase it in Ayurvedic terms). The objective is to establish a dialogue through which each participants defines their own sequence and horizon to enable an independent practice that addresses the specific needs and interests of each.
Practice material sourced from the traditions of Ashtanga Vinyasa, Dharma Mittra and Iyengar Schools of Yoga, integrated and reengineered to meet individual needs, rhythms and interests.
At a subtler, underlying level in respect to asana it aims at understanding and directing the energy flows that constantly enter, move throughout and leave the subtle body with denser converging flows at specific centers or chakras and further supported by Kriyas and Mudras
Beyond the body and its energy flows, meditation aims at allowing us to rest in pure consciousness untainted by thought or emotion through a gradual process of establishing oneself in the position of judgement-less attention - in awareness - we overflow the limits of notions such as self and others, inside and outside and all other dualistic notional opposites.
Monday to Saturday
6 – 7:45 Asanas
7:45 – 8:30 Pranayama
8:30 – 9:15 Meditation / Meditación
12:30 – 14:30 Asana Lab
14:30 – 15:00 Pausa / Break
15:00 – 17:00 Teoria /Theory
a ) If your motivation is to become a yoga teacher: "You will need a constant personal practice of two years minimum 3 times a week. Pass through theoretical and practical tasks successfully".
b ) If your motivation is not to necessarily become a yoga teacher, but deepen your practice, obtain knowledge and overcome physical and mental limits we request "a deep commitment with your practice and a honest wish to profound your knowledge" you will receive a confirmation letter of your participation in the TTC and the possibility to continue your practical and theoretical process with us."
- 27 months of consistent yoga asana practice (3x week)
- Fill out the application form
- Motivation letter
- 3 to 5min video of your own practice including Surya Namaskar
- read a version of: Patanjali Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita
María Fernanda Sánchez
Mauricio Babilonia
Julia Weidner
Key Stats.

Year founded

Size of project site
100 hectares

Languages spoken
- english, spanish

People on site
10 - 18

Dry season

Wet season
Living Conditions.
- private room
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- restaurant on site
- slow: emails only
Contact Ananda Yoga
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