Wübu (Garífuna for "Mountain") - Countryside Permaculture, Tours and Eco-hotel.
As a little introduction to who we are, we are (for the time being, because we're growing) three families working in this project, while maintaining the needs of our city life. Some of our family members are not fully involved in the project, other are in deep. Our founder has 5 children, and all of them wish to come and live in the project, but after they graduate.
We still live most of the time in the city, but when people visit the project, we go and work with them. Be sure we will help you get to our land, we can pick you up at the airport and most of the time take you to Livingston.
Be sure that we wish to make you feel like you're part of the family, we really want to share this experience!!
We will make everything in our hands to truly give you care and attention while you are enjoying your weeks/months here.
Now, about Wübu: are developing a model for countryside development in third world countries, where we use Permacultural principles to work the land.
We have around 100 acres of land, and we are building an Eco-hotel, a Bamboo plantation, botanical gardens, hiking trails, bird-watching sites and more!
There are many exotic trees already planted in the land, as well as exotic flowers and other plants that we cherish. Also, there is an ancient (even small and simple) archaeological site in the land that has vestiges from 200BC. There are a few caves, one of them is quite big and has a very good entrance.
We believe that people should love the land, and then, the land will take care of them.
Also, we are developing innovative bamboo building methods for houses, tents, furniture and handicrafts.
There is some bananas and plantains in the land, as well as Malanga, and we wish to process it and sell it in the vicinity.
Our land has a great view of the Bahia de Amatique, as well as the Rio Dulce, the latter is at 100 meters distance. The town of Livingston is at 4 minutes by boat on a calm day. The only means of transportation to the site is by boat.
From the nearest port (Puerto Barrios) to our land a boat takes around 30~60 minutes, depending on the weather. This is if you take a direct boat, if not, you will have to change boats at Livingston and then 5 minutes more.
We will buy horses and mountain bikes in order for visitors to enjoy a good stroll.
There is a small dam in the property, where you can swim, it is totally natural and for the time being, it has a dirt floor. We wish to better it and make it prettier, as well we wish to build more elaborated natural pools.
For the time being, it may not be the most appropriate site for children. Pets may have conflict with chickens and turkeys.
We have many fruit trees and are planting a lot more. You can enjoy fruits and coconuts while you give us a hand.
We strive to make everything as green as possible, and each step we take takes us closer to that dream. We will buy biodigesters and solar panels, as well as construct our own eolic turbines to gather energy, nevertheless, at the moment, we are using energy from the grid.
In the land there is good cellphone and data signal (You must buy a local chip $7 and air time $13/mo).
For accomodations: for the time being, we have a house with 4 different rooms and a living room with three beds. We hope to enlarge them more so we can accommodate 8 men in one room and 8 women in another, while two couples in different rooms at the same time.
Later, we wish to build more sustainable houses to receive at least 10 people more, for a total of 30.
The recommended time to stay should be around one month, but you can choose to stay from one week to several months...and maybe more... depending on how you and us feel about that!!
We speak Spanish, English, Italian, a little German, one of our members is Brazilian, and we know a bit of French. We are willing to learn any language, so if you are willing to help us, we are willing to learn about you and your country as well.
Anything that you would like to know or ask, please feel free to do so.
We would like to receive workawayers that would like to work on the land, our gardens, bamboo construction, planting, cooking, attending visitors, helping with animals (We wish to buy hens, chickens, turkeys, pigs, cattle and sheep, and many other jobs!
The weather is tropical, hot and wet...our temperature range is from 20ºC at the coldest part of the year up to 36ºC the hottest days. The coldest nights may be 17ºC and the hottest 30ºC. Humidity is always over 60%.
The vegetation is lush and green. It grows very fast. We are very near the deep jungle (there is a jungle reserve starting in the south part of the property).
Even though we don't like to fumigate anywhere, we have to do it in the house once or twice a month, so we don't see any scorpions and big spiders, but you will have to be ready to see one every now and then. Of course all precautions are taken to avoid these encounters.
Regarding snakes, being that we are at so near of the jungle, you may see some. They never come near the house, thanks to the activity there happens, but if you go to the wild mountain or come off trails, you may find one...not always, but it is a possibility...we take great care in this and have procedures to keep these encounters safe and have never had any bite or someone scared.
There is a lot of rain, an average of 3000~4000mm of rainfall a year.
In the nearby town of Livingston there are a lot of restaurants, hotels and tourists. On the weekend there is always a good party with lots of reggae and fun! On weekdays there is not too much of a party.
We are eager to get your contacts and inquiries.
Best regards,
Key Stats.

Year founded

Size of project site
50 hectares

Languages spoken
- Español
- Inglés
- Portugués
- Italiano
- Alemán

People on site
6 - 25

Dry season
December to April

Wet season
May to November
Living Conditions.
- private room
- shared rooms
Omnivore Food
- communal kitchen access
- over 80% locally sourced
- communally cooked meals
- slow: emails only
Wübu - Model for Rural Development is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Permacultura
- construcción natural
- jardinería
- cuidado de animales
- diseño de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas
- siembra de plantas
- trabajo con bambú
Contact Wübu - Model for Rural Development
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