Actualmente estamos facilitando un programa de voluntariado para administrar la finca, la tierra, los animales y la comunidad de manera saludable.
Trabajamos con los lugareños para identificar plantas comestibles y medicinas nativas, y recolectamos alimentos para la comunidad de los árboles frutales en la tierra. Actualmente estamos trabajando en la mejora de nuestros jardines y vivero.
Compartimos conocimientos sobre alimentos de origen vegetal, técnicas de cultivo de permacultura, estilo de vida saludable y experimentamos una vida comunitaria con una mentalidad de autoconciencia y soberanía.Tenemos muchos edificios rústicos, la mayoría son limpios y funcionales. Tenemos 20 camas disponibles y múltiples áreas para dormir y acampar, con la posibilidad de crear su propia casa o casa en el árbol con la compra de un NFT.
Volunteer Program
We request a minimum of 15 hours per week, and 25Q per day (~$100/month) in exchange for food, housing, utilities, hot showers and laundry, wifi, community spaces and activities, workshops and events. Are you able to contribute this amount to cover the costs of food, housing, etc.?
If no, are you willing to work 30 hours per week with a special skill? Otherwise, please explain your situation, or offer other available ways to contribute.
Alternatively, if you want to rent a private space without the minimum requirement of volunteer hours, you can rent a room starting at $300 per month, as long as you join the mandatory community meetings and adhere to the program and house agreements.
Everyone that stays at Starseed Village needs to fill out the questionnaire on the website: https://starseedvillage.com/
Private Room
We request a minimum of 15 hours per week, and 25Q per day (~$100/month) in exchange for food, housing, utilities, hot showers and laundry, wifi, community spaces and activities, workshops and events.
If you want to rent a private space without the minimum requirement of volunteer hours, you can rent a room starting at $300 per month per person, as long as you join the mandatory community meetings and adhere to the program and house agreements.
Everyone that wants to stay at Starseed Village needs to fill out the questionnaire on the website and be approved before arriving: https://starseedvillage.com/
Key Stats.
Year founded
Size of project site
150 hectares
Languages spoken
- Engish
- Spanish
People on site
6 - 24
Dry season
September to March
Wet season
April to September
Living Conditions.
- hammocks
- tent camping
- shared rooms
- private room
- entire house
Vegetarian Food
- communal kitchen access
- communally cooked meals
- fast: streaming video
Starseed Village is currently offering the following opportunities:
- Gardening
- Permaculture
- Natural Building
- Renewable energy
- web3
- nft
- regenerative design
- project management
- construction
- volunteer coordination
Contact Starseed Village
Register or login to contact this center.
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