
We are a group of 10 people starting a intentional community / ecovillage and seminar- /skillsharing centre in a former children's hospital. Its located in the middle of the forest near Harzgerode, a small town in the middle of Germany. The next big City is Quedlinburg, 20km north.

The buildings were quite unoccupied for the last 20 years but are in good condition. Currently we are setting up new and fixing old or broken infrastructure, reactivate the Farmhouse with its two greenhouses for own vegetables and make this an unconventional, unique and awesome place.

There's a lot of open space four your creativity.


Key Stats.

Year founded


Size of project site

21 hectares

Languages spoken

  • German
  • English

People on site

15 - 80

Dry season

May to September

Wet season

October to April

Living Conditions.


  • shared rooms
  • tent camping
  • private room

Omnivore Food

  • communal kitchen access
  • communally cooked meals


  • fast: streaming video

Ongoing classes

  • meditation
    1-2 times per week
  • nutrition/cooking
    multiple times a day

Contact Freie Feldlage

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